Raising Cerebral Palsy Awareness with a Family’s Virtual Learning Story


Many children with cerebral palsy face daily challenges when it comes to their health, 但他们的教育并不一定要面临同样的挑战. 为患有脑瘫的学生, it’s critical to find a school with an environment that is supportive, 安全, and can deliver the special education framework needed for them to thrive in the classroom.

For online student, Abby, 推荐正规买球平台® has proven to be such a school. 在那里, she has dedicated support from teachers and her Learning Coach so that she can approach her lessons and daily schedule in a way that works best for her. 艾比的妈妈和学习教练, 艾米丽, 她自己也是连接学院的毕业生吗, and knows from experience that the virtual school environment is a perfect fit for her daughter’s unique learning needs.

三月是脑瘫宣传月, and to help bring awareness to cerebral palsy and the benefits of finding success in online school, 我们强调的是 Abby已经达到并超越了里程碑式的期望.



Having attended 推荐正规买球平台 as a virtual school student for the past two years, 艾比的旅程和其他学生的经历没什么不同. 在典型的一天里, 艾比醒来, 帮助准备早餐, 花时间陪伴家人, 整理床铺, 并开始了她今天的在线课程. With her along the way are her two other siblings, one of whom is also a 推荐正规买球平台 student.

But where her and her brother’s experiences differ is that the flexibility of 推荐正规买球平台 allows Abby to attend physical therapy and other beneficial activities related to her condition without having to miss school.

作为学习教练和妈妈, 艾米丽 uses an alternating schedule that allows her to focus one at a time on Abby and Liam’s lessons rather than trying to monitor both kids at the same time. This flexibility in scheduling is what 艾米丽 believes makes 推荐正规买球平台 such a great fit for their family.

作为她教育的一部分, 艾比有一个所谓的个性化教育计划, 或等电位点, that supports her learning with specialized staff that make modifications in Abby’s lessons to meet her where she is in the learning process. 艾米丽 and Abby meet with Abby’s teachers regularly to review her progress and discuss anything that may need to be adjusted for her needs.

“[推荐正规买球平台 is] very much work-at-your-own-pace,” 艾米丽 said. “我没有强迫她. 我们不必在一天内做完所有的事情. 如果对她没有好处,我们就不提前工作.”



To learn more about a typical day for Abby, check out this video sponsored by 推荐正规买球平台:


In the United States, about 1 in every 345 children have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Unless you know someone with the disorder, you may not know much about it. An important aspect of Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month (and Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day) includes educating the public on cerebral palsy as well as the educational needs of children who have the condition. 要增长你的知识,这里有 正规买球十大平台的答案 你可能会对脑瘫感到疑惑:



Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term that encompasses many disorders that affect muscle tone, 运动, 和姿势. Cerebral palsy is caused by a disruption in brain development that can be due to mutations, 感染, 或者之前发生的脑损伤, 在, 或者出生后.

并不是所有的脑瘫病例都是一样的. 事实上,每种情况都是独一无二的. 艾比被诊断患有丹迪-沃克畸形. Her condition is rare and just one of many possible cerebral palsy disorders that affect mobility.



Cerebral palsy is typically diagnosed 在 a child’s first two years of life. 通常, parents begin seeking a diagnosis when their child is not hitting certain mobility milestones, 包括爬行, 走, 或者与年龄相适应的运动技能. It was for these reasons that Abby’s parents began seeking a diagnosis. They eventually discovered her condition is congenital, meaning it occurred while she was in utero.



脑瘫并不直接影响认知, but around 30-50% of cerebral palsy cases include co-occurring intellectual or developmental disorders, 比如自闭症谱系障碍. Due to challenges related to mobility along with a high potential for co-occurring disorders, many students with cerebral palsy can benefit from a virtual learning option.



Students with cerebral palsy face challenges that are highly individualized, and their education often requires a significant amount of personalization. 在线学校为学生提供特殊需求, 比如脑瘫, with the ability to learn in a 安全 environment with flexible pacing that allows students to focus on their education and well-being.

如果与 自闭症, students with cerebral palsy may also have difficulties with verbal language processing, 社会化, 以及对感官刺激的敏感性, 比如明亮的灯光和嘈杂的学校钟声.

Students with cerebral palsy or other special needs have the option to create an IEP that’s tailored to their 特殊学习需要. IEPs enable students to take a personalized approach to their own education and receive ongoing support and modifications throughout the learning process.

Learn more about how 推荐正规买球平台’s online public school program can help students with special needs by 找到你当地的连接学院学校 and connecting with the school’s special education representative.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


